Product code :
Windows Server 2012 R2 standard Intel Xeon E3-1225v2 Non ECC 8GB HDD ミラーリング RAID1 1TBx2 TEKWIND PSU250W
Sales price (TAX exc.):
USD : 1796 (United States Dollar)
GBP : 1380 (Great Britain Pound)
AUD : 2270 (Australian Dollar)
EUR : 1544 (EU Euro)
* 1 year warranty for server and any parts
* 1 week initial failure exchange
* Accept repair for fee after 1 year
■Windows Server 2012 R2 standard 日本語版pre-installed
■CPU Quad-core Intel Xeon E3-1225v2 (3.20GHz 4コア 4スレッド)
■RAM Non ECC 8GB (4GB × 2)
■ディスク RAID1 ミラーリング SATA HDD 1TB (5,400RPM) × 2
■3.5 inch bay 4 slot(HDD で 2 スロット使用済み)
■On-board NIC 2 port
* 1 year warranty cannot be applied if you customize this machine by yourself.